
Fix it felix jr arcade game
Fix it felix jr arcade game

fix it felix jr arcade game fix it felix jr arcade game

When Ralph arrives at the fourth floor, the Nicelanders ask Fix-It Felix for help to repair the damage caused by Ralph, and he arrives saying his phrase "I Can Fix It!".Īt the end of each level, Felix is rewarded with a gold medal and a cake, while Ralph is thrown into the mud puddle. Then Ralph arrives enraged and is willing to break the building, smashing the windows while climbing and throwing Gene, the Mayor, into the air. In the area where the stump was moved, the construction of the Nicelanders apartment begins and when the construction is finished, the Nicelanders arrive to make a residence in the newly built apartment. It starts when Ralph goes to sleep on a stump, but is suddenly moved to the dump, when Ralph wakes up, is aware and is enraged at having moved his stump. In the version of the promotional arcade, as in the introduction of the movie Wreck-It Ralph, the game is based on the land of Niceland.

Fix it felix jr arcade game